Why cards?

Why cards?

My Soul Brief-Case includes 50 unique cards in a deck that will help you build your skills for introspection and become your self-talk sidekick.

Get to know yourself better, spend quality time reflecting on your experiences and, structure the way you process your challenges and emotions.

Why cards?

Bringing self-help therapy to your home and in your hands with unique prompts and illustrations that drive insight and reflection.

Learn to level up our self-talk and offer words of compassion for ourselves. Use the cards to listen to your own wisdom and discover your inner healer.

Your journey, your process, at your speed. All in the palm of your hands. Take us with you on your inner journey.


    💼 Visit our website and get your own @mysoulbriefcase cards now. 💚💛❤️💙

    #mentalhealth #selfdiscovery #wellbeing #introspection #journaling #reflectionprompts


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